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We invite and encourage membership for those who wish to affiliate with or support Kehillat Etz Chayim’s mission or to participate in or enable its activities.

What Membership Provides to You

-Membership affirms your relationship with the synagogue.

-Membership reinforces your connections and responsibilities to the community.  

-Membership includes seats for High Holidays. 

General Member                          $1,000


General membership will provide the head(s) of a household with full membership, including tickets for the high holidays.  

Sustaining Member                      $1,800


Sustaining members are general members who desire to further support Kehillat Etz Chayim by including with their membership dues an additional contribution of $800.  Sustaining members will have as an added benefit the opportunity to dedicate two Shabbat kiddushes.

Associate Member                        $500


Associate members are non-voting members of Kehillat Etz Chayim who choose to support the congregation and become part of the kehilla through a reduced membership rate.  High Holiday tickets may be purchased by Associate Members at a 20% discount.

Additional Support Opportunities


Contributions of any amount in support of Kehillat Etz Chayim are welcome and appreciated.  Please see our “Support” page for more information.

Membership is not required to attend KEC services during the year.  Guests are always warmly welcomed to participate in our davening and classes, although fees are sometimes charged for special events and prices may differ for Members and non-Members.


If you wish to become a member or otherwise to support Kehillat Etz Chayim but are not in a financial position to do so at one of the published levels, please contact Rabbi Lopatin.

©2018 by Kehillat Etz Chayim of Detroit.

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