High Holiday Tickets
KEC members are invited to attend High Holiday davening without purchasing tickets but must register in advance by emailing etzchayimdetroit.highholidays@gmail.com
Non-members may purchase holiday tickets, subject to space limitations:
Families (including children under twenty-one) $250
Young-adult families (under thirty years old) $118
To ensure availability, members and non-members must register in advance by emailing etzchayimdetroit.highholidays@gmail.com
Please indicate in your email how many seats you require on each side of the mechitzah.
High Holiday Sponsorships
Members who wish to further support KEC may do so by means of High Holiday sponsorships. Please include sponsorship payment and select your desired sponsorship with your High Holiday registration by emailing etzchayimdetroit.highholidays@gmail.com.
Sponsorship opportunities (for dues paying members) include:
Rosh Hashanah Babysitting $250
Rosh Hashanah Security $500
Rabbi’s RH Divrei Torah $1,800
Rosh Hashanah Shacharit Day 1 $1,000
Rosh Hashanah Musaf Day 1 $1,500
Rosh Hashanah Shacharit Day 2 $1,000
Rosh Hashanah Musaf Day 2 $1,500
Yom Kippur Babysitter $250
Yom Kippur Security $500
Rabbi’s Yom Kippur Divrei Torah $1,800
Kol Nidre $3,600
Yom Kippur Shacharit $1,800
Yom Kippur Musaf $2,500
Neilah $2,500
Yom Kippur Mincha $1,000
Sukkot Sponsor $1,800
Simchat Torah Sponsor $1,800
Kiddush first day of Sukkot $1000
Kiddush second day of Sukkot $1000
Kiddush hol hamoed Shabbat $1000
Dinner for Simhat Torah $1500
Kiddush Shimeni Atzeret $500
Kiddush for Simhat Torah $1000