Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Kehillat Etz Chayim of Detroit
This document began when Rabbi Lopatin was at Anshe Sholom in Chicago (many years ago!), was revised by Rabbi Wolkenfeld who succeeded Rabbi Lopatin, and now is revised once again by Rabbi Lopatin for Kehillat Etz Chayim of Detroit for 5781. I also want to thank my good friend Rabbi Barry Gelman for his additions at the end on foods that do not need special Passover supervision. If you need any clarifications or have any questions please contact Rabbi Lopatin at ​motownrabbi@gmail.com​ or 773.206.0009. Please scroll down to the end to see links to OU, CRC and Star-K guides.
Easy laws of koshering! Especially BBQ grills, Self Cleaning Ovens, and Countertops.
Passover Laws and Customs ​–​ 5781 ​–​ special rules for Saturday, March 27, Erev Pesach
I.​ ​Mechirat Hametz ​–​ Sale of Chametz
In addition to giving away your chametz, destroying or burning your chametz, and nullifying your chametz (bitul chametz) on you can ​–​ and should - sell your chametz, particularly chametz that is valuable (Scotch!). Even though some people try to dispose of ​“​real​”​ chametz (pasta, frozen dough, etc.), this sale is 100% effective even for ​“r​ eal​”​ chametz. We will all nullify chametz (bitul chametz) and declare it ownerless for Pesach also, first on Thursday night, and then, again, on Shabbat morning after eating our last chametz. Please fill out this sale of chametz form if you would like me to sell your chametz.​ I will be partnering with Rabbi Yechiel Morris of the Young Israel of Southfield who will sell all the chametz to a Gentile and then, after Passover, God willing, he will buy it all back. Here is the form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dEmonXb7hoz9V elFzym_FcGkdOE1PcZwwc0AL6v61oA/edit?us p=sharing
You can also find the form on our Website. Please complete the form and send it to Rabbi Lopatin at motownrabbi@gmail.com by Wednesday morning, March 24. If you will be East of Detroit for the beginning of Pesach, please indicate so! If you appoint me as your agent to sell ​chametz​ on your behalf, please wait at least one hour after the conclusion of ​Pesach​ ​–​ in Detroit - before accessing the ​chametz again so I have time to re-purchase it. ​Chametz​ that you sell should be kept isolated from your other possessions, in designated closets, cabinets, or shelves. You must provide a contact number of someone who theoretically can provide access to the ​chametz​ which they own until we buy it back. You cannot just sell your who house and avoid the search for ​chametz​. If you will be out of town, please check for chametz​ the night before you leave, even if that means a quick check around the house. Only a house where you have not resided in for 30 days and do not plan to be in for Passover can avoid the requirement of searching for ​chametz​.
II.​ ​Ta’anit Bekhorot: T​ hursday morning, March 25
Firstborn children of all ages are invited to attend a ​siyum​ by Zoom on Masechet Pesachim, at 9:00 AM EST co-led by Rabbi Lopatin on My Jewish Learning. This is the link to sign up:
https://forms.gle/b3Y uurFZyJTJy1A37
The ​siyum​ substitutes for a day of fasting that commemorates God’s saving of the Israelite first-born children when the Egyptian first-born were killed in the tenth plague. You can fulfill the custom of experiencing a siyyum by Zoom. Make sure then to eat a breakfast treat celebrating the ​siyyum​. If you cannot make it even to a Zoom siyyum, do some learning on your own -maybe read through all of Ethics of the Fathers (found in the siddur after Shabbat ​mincha)​ ​–​ and then eat.
III.​ ​​Bedikat Chametz​ - Search for ​Chametz: T​ hursday night, March 25
After our homes have been cleaned and made kosher for Passover, we engage in a search for any ​hametz that we may have forgotten. This is done after dark, this year, on Thursday night, March 25, any time after 8:32 PM, but as soon as possible after that. Many have the custom to hide ten pieces of ​chametz​ (e.g. Cheerios that will not leave behind crumbs) around the home and then find all ten pieces over the course of the search, sometimes with a bird feather and a spoon. All of these customs are not halachically necessary (even on the basis of minhag). One member of a household recites the blessing, “​asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu al bi’ur chametz​” before beginning the search. The Talmud lays out the law that we need to search the home with a candle – and in today’s terms that means a flashlight, or an iPhone light. If you have kids, give each one a flashlight and let them search! A candle can be used also, for symbolic purposes, but to really check in all the corners the way our rabbis tell us to, you need to augment the candle with a flashlight. Not only have fires started with candles (searching near curtains, etc) , but you will be too scared to check where you need to check if all you have is a candle. If people are closed out of where you work, or where you go to school, or any other public place, then there is no need to check there. Your nullification of chametz and your sale of chametz applies to wherever it may be. If you do have access to these places, then remember to check your office desk drawers, workplace area, school lockers, gym lockers, or other locations where you may keep ​chametz.​ Cars should be checked Thursday night as well (with a flashlight, not a candle!). When the search is complete, we nullify and renounce ownership of ​chametz​ we may have overlooked by declaring, “any ​chametz​ in my possession that I have not seen, have not removed, and do not know about should be nullified and become ownerless like the dust of the earth.”​ ​This nullification does not include ​chametz​ that you intentionally reserve for Friday and Shabbat morning. The blessing and declaration is printed on the first pages of almost every Haggadah as well as in the Koren or Artscroll Siddurim.
IV.​ ​Burn chametz before 12:35 PM on Friday, March 26 (even though you can eat chametz till
11:33 AM on Shabbat)
Burn your chametz that you collected at the search for chametz the night before ​–​ before 12:36 PM on Friday. You will say the Bitul Chametz (nullification of Chametz) on Saturday before 12:35 PM.
Friday night and Shabbat morning, March 26-27: Shabbat candles at 7:33 PM ​Feel free to eat all the chametz you want, including challot until ​11:30 AM Shabbat day​. Please do not eat Matzah until the
seder night (Saturday night). However, since you house will be kosher for Passover by Friday night, if you would rather eat Egg Matzah (that is certified Kosher for Passover) for instead of Challah, you may do so at night and in the morning. Even though Ashkenazi Jews do not traditionally eat egg matzah on Pesach itself, it is permissible on erev Pesach and will not make anything chemetzdike. For Shalosh Seudot, the third meal on Shabbat, the easiest thing is to fulfill it by eating fruit or gefilte fish or meat sometime in the afternoon. Or, just learn some Torah, and on this exceptional Shabbat, that will count for Shalosh Seudot. Finish eating before 11:30 AM, and then dispose of any left-over challah or chametz down the toilet bowl and recite the final ​“​Kol Chamira​”​ ​–​ chametz nullification ​–​ before 12:35 PM. This is the full declaration of ​hametz​ nullification ​–​ chametz you may know about or don​’​t know about. This declaration is printed in almost every Haggadah and can be found in the Koren and Artscroll Siddurim.
Disposing of chametz can be done any day 7:00 AM-3:00 PM at the Huntington Woods Department of Public Works, 12795 11 Mile Road, Huntington Woods, MI ​–​ check for any time updates.
Leil Ha-Seder​ ​–​ Seder Night, Saturday March 27
Light Yom Tov candles Saturday night after 8:35 PM, and recite two blessings, “​l’hadlik ner shel yom tov”​ and the “​shehechiyanu”​ blessing.
Kiddush at the seder should not start before 8:35 PM. If this is too late for the kids, you can sing the seder songs before this. If you want to do a model seder for the kids, feel free to have Karpas, Charoset and grape juice before sunset, 7:50 PM. If delaying the start of the Seder until after dark will be highly problematic, or if you are attending a Seder whose start-time you cannot control, please speak to Rabbi Lopatin to strategize the best way to fulfill the Passover obligations.
FAQ: Can I set up my Passover seder table before Shabbat is over?
Answer: If you personally get enjoyment out of setting a lovely seder table, it is considered ​oneg shabbat , enjoyment of Shabbat for you, and you can set your table. However, if you do not get enjoyment out of setting a table and having a table set, then you should wait till after Shabbat to set the seder table.
First Day of Passover, Sunday, March 28
No more ​Mashiv HaRuach Umorid HaGashem​ after Thursday morning ​musaf ​(if you are davening at home, say Mashiv... in Musaf and then from Sunday mincha onwards, just nothing or ​Morid Hatal).
On Sunday night, say mincha before sunset, which is 7:53 PM , but your seder (Kadesh) should not start before ​8:35 PM.​ Light Yom Tov candles after 8:35 with the same ​brachot​ as the previous night - “lehadlik near shel Yom Tov​” and “S​ hehechiyanu​”. Remember to count the Omer (Day 1) on Sunday night. Many have the custom to count at the end of the Seder – and it’s a good custom so no one misses the first day! If you miss the first night, count on Monday before sunset (without a b’racha), and then you can continue counting on Monday night (day 2) with a bracha. If you forget all Monday as well, you can get back on the “Omer train” with a bracha on the next Saturday night (April 3), on day 7, because we are starting to count weeks as well as days.
Since there are some people who still are not able to find a seder due to lingering COVID conditions, the Lopatins will once again be doing a Second Seder by Zoom. We will start at 8:45 PM and all are welcome. We will go up until washing your hands for Matza, and then everyone will be on their own. This is only a leniency because it is the second day of Yom Tov and it is within the spirit of Yom Tov. Here is the Zoom link: ​https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86921738400​.
Second Day of Passover, Monday, March 29
Full Hallel, Musaf for Pesach
First days of Pesach end at 8:37 PM. ​Chol Hamo’ed ​begins. Remember in​ Maariv​ to say ​Morid Hatal​, Ata Chonantanu,​ to stop saying “​Vetein tal umatar livracha​” and replace with “​vetein b’racha​”, and Ya’aleh Veyavoh for Chag Hamatzot. M​ any have the custom not to wear tefillin during ​Chol Hamoed​.
Thursday night, April 1, Chol Hamo’ed​:
Shir Hashirim ​on Zoom at 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM, followed by ​Yizkor ​(we will also say ​Yizkor​ at 11:00 AM
after services on Sunday, April 4). Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83919593686
Friday afternoon, April 2
Light candles before 7:41 PM, and after 6:39 PM, for Shabbat and Yom Tov. One brachah: ​Lehadlik ner shel Shabbat Veyom Tov​. Kabbalat Shabbat is abridged: Just Mizmor Shir L’yom Hashabbat and Hashem Malach. Then Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with Shabbat inserts.
Shabbat and Yom Tov April 3:
10:00 AM: Shacharit with Half Hallel and the Song at the Sea. Musaf with Birkat Kohanim.
Light second night Yom Tov candles with one brachah – “​Lehadlik ner shel Yom Tov​” after 8:44 PM.
Sunday, April 4, 8​ day Yom Tov​:
10:00 AM: Shacharit with Half Hallel. Musaf with Birkat Kohanim. Yizkor will follow services at 11 AM.
Passover ends at 8:44 PM. Chametz that was sold will be bought back, iy​”​H, by 9:45 PM.
Guide to Preparing the Home and Kitchen for Passover ​–​ 5781 Making things easy!! Passover preparations should not be painful!
I.​ ​DirtisNotChametz
It is also not necessary to eliminate all crumbs from the house. The reason that we clean our homes and then search our homes before ​Pesach​ is to rid our homes of all “important ​chametz,​ ”​ ​leavened products that someone might accidentally eat on ​Pesach.​ “Important ​chametz"​ could be bottles of liquor, cookies, crackers etc.
Crumbs that are in locations where they cannot contaminate food (e.g. under the cushions of a living room couch) do not have to be cleaned before ​Pesach​.
A reliable, easy method to get your BBQ grill fully Kosher for Passover:
Cover the grill. Get it to the highest temperature it can go, which needs to be at least 662 degrees. (Rav Melamed​’​s definition of Libun Gamur). My grill gets to 750 degrees. Keep at this temperature for 20 minutes. The grill is then parve and kosher for Passover.
Counters and Countertops ​–​ These are not places you cook on so they do not need koshering!! Reliable authorities (among them, Rav Yosef Adler from Rinat Yisrael in Teaneck) say that countertops do not need to be kashered since piping hot items are not placed directly on them. They should be cleaned spotless and unused (covered) for 24 hours before being used for Passover cooking.
Wood, Formica, Plastic, Corian, Granite, Marble, or Stainless Steel all only need to be cleaned and not used (covered) for 24 hours.
II.​ ​​Ovens, Stovetops, and Microwaves
In​ ​a​ self-cleaning oven​, the self-cleaning cycle will clean and kasher the oven simultaneously. There is no need to wait 24 hours before kashering, and even a short cycle of the self-clean will kasher the oven. CAUTION: There is a potential risk of fire during the self-cleaning process. Do not leave your oven unattended while in the self-cleaning mode. To avoid some risk, clean the oven of grease before starting the self-clean cycle.
In​ ​non-self-cleaning ovens​,​ gas or electric, an oven cleaner may be necessary to remove baked-on grease. If a caustic type of oven cleaner (such as Easy-Off) is used to clean the oven and some stubborn spots remain after the caustic cleaner has been applied a second time with similar results, the remaining spots may be disregarded. Once the oven and racks have been cleaned, they should sit unused for 24 hours. Then they may be kashered by turning the oven to the broil or highest setting for 40 minutes. In a gas oven, the broil setting will allow the flame to burn continuously. In a conventional electric oven, the highest setting, broil or 550°, kashers the oven. This method is also acceptable for the oven racks since it is usual to cook food in a pan, not directly on the racks themselves.
Some ovens come with a convection feature. If the convection oven has the self-cleaning feature, it will be sufficient to kasher the convection fan as well.
The Cooktop​: For gas: Kasher the grates by running the burners on the highest setting for 5 minutes. If all the burners are on at the same time, and the area in between them had been cleaned spotless and not used for 24 hours, the area in between is also kosher for Passover since it reached maximum temperature and any chametz flavor has left it.
In​ an electric cooktop,​ one only needs to turn the burners on the high heat setting for a few minutes to kasher them, since the burners come to a glow in a few minutes. The drip pans should be thoroughly cleaned and need not be kashered. As with gas, if all electric burners are allowed to glow hot together, even for five minutes, and the area between the burners had been cleaned spotless and left unused for 24 hours, then that area, too, is koshered by the heat of the burners surrounding it. This method will work even for glass cook-tops. If your stove top works by induction, please speak to Rabbi Lopatin regarding techniques for koshering these ranges.
The knobs with which the gas or electricity is turned on should be cleaned. No other process is necessary to kasher the knobs.
Microwaves​:​ ​To kasher a microwave oven, clean it thoroughly until absolutely no food debris is left. Special attention must be given to the internal vent of the microwave. After you are satisfied that there is no debris, the following steps need to be taken:
1. The glass turntable tray should be removed and replaced, or completely covered with two layers of plastic wrap. Alternatively, use the microwave without the turntable for ​Pesach​.
2. For the oven itself, after 24 hours spotless without use, place a saucer of water inside and turn the microwave on and allow the microwave to be filled with steam ​–​ 10 minutes is sufficient.
Warming drawers:
Since the warming drawer gets hot but not too hot, it requires a special method to kasher it – which is different but not so difficult. We did it successfully in the Lopatin house, and I am certainly not such a hand man!
(Thanks to Rabbi Muskat of Young Israel of Oceanside). First, get it spotless – and if you can’t, just foil the bottom of the drawer - and then let it sit unused for 24 hours. Then, light two Sterno cans that will each burn for two hours with the drawer slightly ajar. That will fully kasher the warming drawer and you can put foods directly into it (with the foil on the bottom remaining if you could not get it spotless).
Sternos were available at the dollar store. 2 dollars for koshering the warming drawer – a good deal.
III.​ ​Metal&PlasticUtensils
Metal utensils that have been used for cooking, serving, or eating hot ​chametz​ may be kashered by cleaning them thoroughly, waiting 24 hours, and then immersing them, one by one, into a kosher for Pesach​ pot of water which has been heated and is maintaining a rolling boil. Putting hot rocks or metal in the pot helps maintain the boil.
The effect of this process is immediate—a split second. Make sure that the item is completely immersed before it comes into contact with any other items. Be sure that the water is always boiling; if the water cools down and stops bubbling, you must wait for the water to bubble again before putting in the next item. If tongs are used to grip the utensil, the utensil will have to be immersed a second time with the tongs in a different position so that the boiling water will touch the initially gripped area. The entire utensil does not have to be kashered at once; it may be done in parts.
A non-kosher-for-​Pesach​ pot may also be used for the purpose of kashering, provided that it is thoroughly clean and has not been used for 24 hours. However, it is the custom to make the pot kosher for ​Pesach before using it for kashering. This can be accomplished by cleaning the pot, leaving it unused for 24 hours, filling the pot completely with water, and waiting until the water comes to a rolling boil and making the water overflow by dropping in a hot rock or big piece of metal. The pot is now kashered.
Extra Bonus: After the ​Pesach​ kashering process has taken place, the status of these newly kashered utensils can be either meat, dairy or parve ​–​ whatever you choose, regardless of what they were before.
In general we do not switch from meat to dairy even by kashering, but since this is kashering for Pesach it is permitted. This same process may be undertaken to kasher plastic utensils but care should be taken to
ensure that the plastic is not cracked, has been thoroughly cleaned, and will not melt upon immersion in boiling water.
The good news: Frying pans can be koshered as above.
The bad news: Any utensil that is used for baking or roasting (as opposed to cooking in juice or water) needs to be koshered by Libun Gamur (full burning) which requires either putting it in the self cleaning oven (which may ruin it!) or putting it in the BBQ grill at the highest temperature, or using a blow torch (not recommended).
IV. ​Sinks
While China or Porcelain sinks​ cannot be fully kashered for ​Pesach,​ you can use them on ​Pesach​ by cleaning them thoroughly, letting them sit unused for 24 hours after cleaning, and pouring boiling water on them, and then you must keep a rack on the bottom of the sink. If your usual method of cleaning dishes is to fill the sink with water and to let the dishes soak, then a rack and a sink insert is required.
Stainless Steel or Granite sinks​ can be kashered using the following method: Clean the sink thoroughly and leave unused (cold water only is OK) for 24 hours. Pour boiling water from a ​Pesach​ kettle/pot over every part of the stainless steel sink. The kashering kettle may need to be refilled a few times before the kashering can be completed.
VI. ​Dishwashers
Plastic and metal dishwashers:​ ​Make sure there are no cracks in the plastic lining of the racks.
1. Make sure the inside of the dishwasher and the racks are spotless. If your dishwasher has a removable filter it must be cleaned, and the drain area should be cleaned.
2. Before kashering the dishwasher, it must be left unused for 24 hours.
3. Run the dishwasher on the hottest setting using soap. Keep the racks in to kasher them along with the dishwasher. Run two additional cycles. The dishwasher is now ready to be used for Passover.
VII. ​More ​Pesach​ Cleaning​...
Bedrooms​: The only ​chametz​ that you have to look for in a bedroom is “important ​chametz“​ ,​ ​not mere crumbs​.
Cars​:​ ​Cars can be checked for “important ​chametz.​ ” Other ​chametz​ only has to be removed if you fear it will stick to your clothing and end up in your food, or if children may come to eat it.
Cabinets​: Cabinets, closets, etc., do not need to be kashered, lined, or covered.
Clothing​: Pockets should be checked if you ever put chametz in them. Check coat pockets and other large pockets in particular.
Dining Room​: ​Chametz​ dishes do not have to be removed from a display or breakfront, but they should be covered in such a way that you will not accidentally use them on Pesach. All ​chametz​ drawers and
cabinets should be taped or tied with strings so that you do not use them on Pesach by accident, and any chametz​ you have sold, even if it remains in the freezer or refrigerator should be covered.
Garbage Pails​: Garbage pails do not technically need to be cleaned. Just remove any big pieces of chametz stuck on the bottom.
Toys​: The only ​chametz​ one needs to be concerned about on toys is ​chametz​ that children may eat on Pesach.​ Caked on or embedded ​chametz​ need not be cleaned before P​ esach.​ Play-dough, glue, and shellacked pasta do not have to be removed, since they are designated as non-food items.
Vacuum Bags​: Vacuum bags do not have to be emptied since there is no fear that you will want to eat that kind of ​chametz.​
VIII. ​Kitchen Utensils FAQ
Baby Bottles​: Plastic bottles can be kashered by immersing them in boiling water. Most infant-formulas contain ​kitniyot​ingredients and bottles should therefore be segregated from other ​Pesach​ dishes and, if not too difficult, washed separately, e.g. in a bathroom sink and not in a kitchen sink. It is completely permissible to feed ​kitniyot​ to infants and young children. Anyone with special dietary needs that make Pesach difficult is allowed to eat ​kitniyot​ as well.
Dentures, Bite Plates, Braces​: Clean thoroughly after finishing eating ​chametz.​
Toothbrushes​: Buy new ones for Pesach. ​Toothpaste​: I recommend new toothpaste for Pesach. All Colgate brands are Kosher for Pesach.
Metal Wine Goblets / Kiddush Cups​: Pour boiling water inside and outside.
Hot Water Urn​: If it is only used for water and is not brought to the table, it only needs a thorough cleaning, and the bottom of the hot water urn, that may come in contact with chametz, should preferably be foiled.
Refrigerator / Freezer​:​ ​Thoroughly clean ​or​ line the shelves. It is only necessary to do one or the other. Napkin rings​:​ ​Clean.
Shabbat Electric Warming-Tray /​ ​Platte​:​ ​Clean spotless and then cover with two layers of aluminum foil or use one that is especially set aside for Passover use.
Tables​ ​-​ ​Clean by wiping them down or using your regular polish. While technically they do not need not be covered with anything special for ​Pesach​ use, I recommend keeping a cover (or different covers) on them at all times, just in case there is a crumb that you didn​’​t get to clean. Use only hotplates or trivets that are exclusively for Passover use.
Towels, Tablecloths, etc.​: Those used during the year with ​chametz​ may be used on ​Pesach​ if they have been laundered.
Water Filters​: Walter filters that are connected to the faucet need not be removed. They should be thoroughly cleaned and may be used on ​Pesach​ without changing the filters.
Kitchen Items that cannot be made kosher for ​Pesach:​
Items that you are packing up and putting away for ​Pesach​ such as toaster ovens, breadbaskets, mixers, etc.donothavetobecleaned.Eveniftheyarefullofcrumbs,thementaldeclaration(​bittul)​ on​erev Pesach​ is sufficient.
Bread Machine
China ​–​ except if unused for at least 366 days, in which case they are automatically Kosher for Passover and Parve.
George Foreman Grill
Pasta Maker
Porcelain (Enamel) Utensils ​–​ again, unless they have been unsued for at least 366 days. Sandwich Maker
Stoneware ​–​ unless they have been unused for at least 366 days.
Toaster oven
Waffle Iron
The following may be used on Passover without certification.
Aluminum foil
Aluminum foil baking pans
Baby ointments
Bags (paper or plastic)
Body wash
Bowl and tub cleaners
Carpet cleaners
Copper and metal cleaners
Cosmetics (except possibly lipsticks, see below) Cupcake holders
Cups (paper, plastic or styrofoam) Deodorants Detergents
Dishwashing Detergents
Drain openers
Fabric protectors
Furniture polish
Glass cleaners
Hair gels, sprays and mousse
Hair removers and treatments Insecticides Isopropyl alcohol
Jewelry polish Laundry detergents Lotions
Napkins (paper) Oven cleaners Paper towels Perfumes
Plastic containers
Plates (paper, plastic or styrofoam) Scouring pads and powders Shampoos
Shaving cream and gel Shaving lotion
Silver polish
Skin cream
Suntan lotion
Talcum powder (100% talc)
Toilet bowl cleaner
Water filters
Frozen Vegetables: Require Kosher for Passover label.
Frozen Fruit: Do not require Kosher for Passover (or Kosher) label.​ Please just make sure there are no juices, additives or flavorings.
Extra Virgin Olive oil, Virgin coconut oil and 100% Canola oil are all Kosher for Passover with a regular kosher label.
Coffee and Tea:
All plain whole bean or ground coffee is Kosher for Passover even without any label. This includes all plain K-cup coffee. However, decaffeinated coffee requires KFP supervision.
Instant Folgers regular and decaffeinated instant coffee is Kosher for Passover without a special KFP label.
Taster's Choice and Via (both only regular) are Kosher for Passover without a KFP label.
All plain (non herbal) tea is Kosher for Passover. Decaffeinated tea requires KFP supervision. Lipton plain and decaffeinated tea is Kosher for Passover even without a KFP label.
Sugar​: All white granulated sugar is Kosher for Passover Salt: ​All non-iodized salt is Kosher for Passover
Unflavored milk purchased before Passover with a regular kosher label may be used on Passover. Other dairy products, including yogurt and cheeses need Kosher for Passover supervision.
Eggs:​ All kosher eggs are permitted on Passover. Ideally, purchase before Passover, but even if purchased on Chol Hamoed, they may be used.
Fresh packaged meat / chicken/ turkey with the original hashgacha label are Kosher for Passover even without specific KFP labeling.
Fish (Raw, Frozen) - All fresh or frozen RAW fish (not coated or ground or spiced​) are acceptable if you purchase and wash them before Pesach. Some examples are: Kirkland Signature
Frozen Skinless Boneless Farmed Atlantic Salmon Portions (O/U), Kirkland Frozen Skinless Boneless Wild Sockeye Salmon Portions (O/U, Levittown (Star-K)
All Frozen Tilapia with reliable Kosher supervision is also Kosher For Passover without special KFP Hashgacha.
Note: Raw fish always requires good kosher certification or has to be observed with scales attached to It.
Raw Nuts (except pecans): ​All whole, pieces and nut meal (with no added ingredients or preservatives) are Kosher for Passover even without a label.
Raw Pecans: ​Whole and halves (without additives or preservatives) do not need KFP label; other bit sizes do.
Baked Nuts: ​Need KFP label.
Quinoa: Needs Kosher for Passover label.
Any 100% Canola Oil is acceptable. KEC follows many poskim who say that Canola Oil is not Kitniyot.
All Baking Soda is Kosher for Passover.
All raisins (not oil treated) are Kosher for Passover
All pill medication (with or without chametz) that one swallows is permitted without special hashgacha (including Lactaid pills). Vitamins and food supplements should normally be only taken if they are Kosher for Passover. If a doctor prescribes a specific vitamin which does not have Passover supervision, you should take it. Liquid and chewable medications that may contain chametz should only be used under the direction of a Doctor and Rabbi, who will judge the severity of the illness, the likelihood that the medicine contains chametz, and the possibility of substituting a swallowable pill. Important: Do not discontinue use of liquid, chewable or any other medicine without consulting with your Doctor and Rabbi.
Liquid and chewable medications that contain kitniyot may be consumed by someone who is ill. An otherwise healthy person, who would like to consume a liquid or chewable medicine to relieve a minor discomfort, should only do so if the product is known to be free of kitniyot.
All varieties of blush, body soaps, conditioners, creams, eye shadow, eyeliner, face powder, foot powder, foundations, ink, lotions, mascara, nail polish, ointments, paint, shampoo, and stick deodorants are permitted for use on Pesach regardless of its ingredients.
Toothpaste that can be used on Passover:
Aim [All] Close Up [All]
Colgate [All] [All use Vegetable Glycerin] Pepsodent [All]
Ultrabrite [All] [All use Vegetable Glycerin]
Colgate - Mouthwash [All] [All use Vegetable Glycerin]
Listerine- Cool Mint Antiseptic, Total Care Zero, Ultra Clean Antiseptic, Zero Alcohol Scope [All]
Toothpaste and mouthwash that contain chometz should not be used.
LACTAID and Milk Substitutes
Lactaid milk may be used on Pesach if purchased before Pesach.
Lactaid Non Chewable Pills are permissible for use on Pesach.
Pet food: Needs to be approved for Passover in guides. If this is too difficult, please speak to Rabbi Lopatin for ways of keeping your pets healthy. rabbiasherlopatin@gmail.com
Here are links to the ​OU​, ​Star K​ and ​CRC guides. They have different rulings, but they can provide a broad outline of where American Orthdox halachic opinion rests in 5781.
For any questions, any time:
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Chag Kasher Vesame’ach!